Back to Facilities Hostel The College has hostel facility for boys and girls students. Students from Maharashtra and from other states take admission to the hostel. Students admitted to the junior college are from villages, talukas and urban areas of Ahmednagar district. Students admitted from different corners of Ahmednagar. Also, students from the north-eastern regions take admission to undergraduate and post graduate courses. Their proficiency level depends on course they wish to join. IDFACULTY QUALIFICATION DESIGNATION EXPERIENCE 1Mr.N.S.Gaikwad Chief RectorM.Sc.27 2Capt. S.S Kharat RectorM.Com.,B.Ed20 3Rev. Philip RectorB.A.,B.D.,M.S.W. 10 4Dr.John Uzgare Hon. Medical OfficerB.A.M.S. 11 5Dr.(Mrs)Shalini Uzgare Hon. Medical OfficerM.A.M.S. 11 6Mr. Raju Gaikwad Technical & Admin.B.A.16 7Mr. Dayanand Kasote Technical B.A. 15 8Mr.Pravin chhajlani Sweeper (Contract) SSC 10 9Mr.Arun Gujarathi Maintenance (Contract) D.E.E.05 10Mr.Sable TechnicalHSC3